Tag: University Life

Cooking 101: Easy Roast Chicken

Hello everyone! It has been awhile since I’ve shared a recipe here. Not to worry though cause I have a stack of recipes at my disposal now to share with you all. I also decided to create a section called Cooking 101  . I know how frustrating it is to make a dish only to fail despite all your efforts – makes you want to just go get takeout doesn’t it? So, this category will feature a range of  simple, fail-proof baking and cooking recipes for all the beginners out there. These recipes are those that I have used time and time again. All the mistakes that could be made, I have done. I will include my tips to avoid them and hopefully, you will have a pleasant cooking/baking experience with them!

So today’s recipe will be a classic dish – the roast chicken.

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What to expect: High school in Malaysia vs New Zealand

I should have written this post eons ago – like 2008. That was the year I moved to good old NZ for high school. I am glad that I got to experience that one year of high school. It was so different to schooling life in Malaysia that I was gobsmacked at times.

Before I left Malaysia I was fretting what school in NZ would be like. I had all these questions but there was nobody to answer them. I guess it was because I didn’t know anybody who had been here at the time. I knew one other person who was going to NZ the same time I was and that was it.

It was tough to have all these thoughts and worry about sitting SPM at the same time. Now, people will probably just consult Master Google but in 2008 that wasn’t the case. There was internet but there wasn’t any 3G. You didn’t just Google to find an answer. Ok, going off on a tangent – back to the topic.

Anyway,  I thought I’d get all nostalgic and write about my experience. Hopefully it will help some of you who are looking to come study in NZ .

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2 things I didn’t expect to feel at Graduation

Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates but the past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind. Family was over for graduation and I made a last minute decision to come home to visit family. I even failed to do Turbofire regularly . Will start getting back into it tonight!

Right so graduation. To be honest, I am not the most empathetic or emotionally attuned person. So when big events happen I do not have a glowing perception as to how it will pan out. My biggest worry was falling over.

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5 Things I wish I Did Differently in University

I have recently finished university  after 6 long years. Yes, yes, 6 years is a long time. There is a whole new world waiting for me and it excited but scares the living daylights out of me too. How contradictory ae? Anyway more about that another day.

Today I want to write about what I wish I did differently in uni. I wasn’t wise enough to do all these. So hopefully, someone else can benefit from my mistakes.

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