Tag: Sarawak

Shopping in Kuching, Sarawak: Part 2 – Suburban Malls

Back to the topic of shopping in Kuching. In Shopping in Kuching – Part 1, I touched on places to shop within the City Center. Today I am going to touch on the suburban malls. As Kuching continues to grow, the number of suburban malls are increasing exponentially. At present there are  3 massive malls being built, 2 of which are only 4km away from each other. It is ABSOLUTELY mental. But then again I am not going to complain because I LOVE SHOPPING. So here is a list of suburban malls that I frequent on a weekly basis – when I’m in Kuching that is. I expect this list to grow in the near future.

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Shopping in Kuching, Sarawak: Part 1 – City Center

I often find people asking me “Do people in Sarawak still live in trees?”. Usually they are just teasing me but sometimes….you can just tell that they aren’t. Well just to clarify any doubts, we do not live on trees. In fact, Kuching is quite a concrete jungle that is only growing bigger and bigger.

Every year I go home, the number of new malls and developments are forever increasing. It is insane! But with that comes a wealth of choices. It would be entirely silly to mall hop when you are on holiday as some are just not worth wasting precious time on. Although if you consider shopping to be a sport (I do….) then by all means shop to your heart’s content. But if you are not into mall hopping, read on. I will tell you where are the best places to shop in Kuching and why.

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Sightseeing and Activities to do in Kuching, Sarawak: Part 3

Hello! I am back with Part 3 of the Kuching sightseeing and activities series. In Part 2, I promised that I will touch on more…energy expelling activities. So lets get to it.

Sarawak as a whole is well known for its eco-tourism. But sometimes, you just do not have the time to travel to other cities in the state – which is what happened to us. So we settled for activities that were within the Kuching vicinity and would only take 1/2 day or 1 day.

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Sightseeing and Activities to do in Kuching, Sarawak: Part 2 – Museums

Back with Part 2 today! If you haven’t read it, here is Part 1.

Today I will be covering 2 museums. There are other museums in Kuching but these are the those that we visited. The Textile Museum was closed when we were around and the Cat Museum….er, creeps me out . Statues and figurines of cats packed together in a relatively small space….*shivers*.

Anywho, moving on!

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