Turbofire: Week 2
I am back to update how Turbofire has been going for me. Week 2 presented new challenges but it was a pretty exciting week for me. I was naughty and missed 2 days of the program (oops…). I shall elaborate below.
Day 8
Was feeling very sore and could hardly lift my arms. I was not in the ideal shape to be throwing punches for 45 minutes. So I decided that I would use today as a rest day instead of day 10!
Day 9
So I started what was meant to be Day 8’s schedule. It was Fire45 class and Stretch 10. I think I have found my new FAVOURITE class. The Fire45 is so much fun! Granted I am still as uncoordinated but the music for this class is so good. The moves are also kinda like dancing. If only I didn’t have 2 left feet.
Day 10
Woohoo! HIIT 20 and Stretch 10 today. I survived. I conquered. I also choked on water when I took a sip during the break. That is how hard I was panting.
Day 11
Meant to do a HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30 today but…I didn’t. But I still did get a workout! Went sea kayaking with M and it was awesome. Here is a photo to prove it: I am thankful that I did not drop my phone into the sea. I did have the full intention of doing Turbofire after but…I came home, studies, flopped on the bed and fell asleep .
Day 12
Today I was scheduled to do a Fire 55EZ class only. But due to overwhelming guilt, I decided to also do the Sculpt30 that I was meant to do on day 11. I psyched myself up and started with the Sculpt30. After that I was feeling pumped. What is this new feeling?!?! So I pushed ahead with Fire55EZ. I told myself that it would be alright to stop. But I finished the entire class! I didn’t feel tired AT ALL. Is this what Chalene has been talking about? The burst of energy you get at the end of the workout? Whatever it was, I felt great.
Day 13
Core20 and Stretch40 today. Did core and it was marginally better than it was last week. Again, I did not have the patience to complete the entire stretch class. Guess that is something else I need to pick up during this program.
Day 14
Woohoo! Fire45 and Stretch10 today. This is my kind of workout. Felt like I had so much energy after the workout. So much energy that I didn’t fall asleep till 2am. Maybe I should start exercising earlier in the day?
And that wraps up week 2. On the weight loss side, I have not actually lost any weight since last week. However, my body is definitely changing. I should start doing proper measurements but I am pretty sure I have lost inches. How do I know? Well I used the good old method of trying on clothes that didn’t fit but now, they do! So perhaps the lack of weight loss is because I gained muscle. I sure do hope so!